Shipping and return policies for junxpunx

Shipping Info

<<<Countries that airmail and sea freight by covid-19>>>

USA....Canada....Australia...(Please direct message to

*Airmail is cheap cost and fast arrival,but
there is NO TRACKING.

<<<Countries that only sea freight now by covid-19>>>

Greece....Israel....(you can buy from bandcamp)

India....Brazil....Russia...(Please direct message to

*sea freight takes 1 - 3 month to arrival,and there is NO TRACKING.

<<<Countries that cannot be sent now by covid-19>>>


sorry ppls who live in,hope you'll get soon (x x)/

*situation changing day by day! i'll inform when you can buy,also please check when you can!
Return Policy
Non-defective products cannot be returned.
Usually sea freight is no Tracking and no Insurance,please understand.
but if you want Tracking and nsurance,you can add it by
International parcel. please send message here